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All Products
Mi Rust Remover
Mi-Fogging Machine
Mi Rust Remover
Mi Shield Scrub
Pfna( Neogen AR interlocking intermedullary nail system)
Expert Tibia nail( Neu-supra)
Distal Redius double column voler plate
Clavicle Reconstruction S locking plate
Infant Bassinet with Mattress
Eleganz:a Smart Junior
Mob le lCU
Word Bedwith Mattress
Cabin Bed with Mattress
Post Operative Bed with Mattress
Electric ICU Bed (3 Funct on) with mattress
Electric ICU Bed (5 Function) with mattress
Eltctric ICU Bed (7 Function) with mattress
Surgical Drills·Overview· Midas Rex MR7
High Speed Pneumatic Drill with craniotomoy set
Electric Neuro Drill System
Intra-operative Neuro-monitoring System
Neuro Surgical Microscope
Neuro Surgical Microscope of latest version
Floor-Mounted Image Guided Navigation
Complete Mult i-Dimensional Surgical Imaging
Hemoglobin Monitor
Digital Pathology
Cuff Pressure Gauge Manometer
Pulse Oximeter
BIS Monitor
Video Laryngoscope
Body Warmer
Portable Ventilator
ICU ventilator
Posterior Cervical Fusion System `
Instrument Set S
ENT Surgery Microscope
ENT Surgery Microscope
ENT Surgery Microscope
ENT Navigation System
Nerve Integrity Monitor
Double Pump Powered ENT system
Microscope For Brightfield,Dual Headed Fluorescence With OptionalDedicated Camera & Software.
Trinocular Microscope
Binocular Microscope
OCT Optovue iVueSO
OCT with Angiovue
OCR Laser
Green Laser (532 nm)
B·Scan connect
A-Scan Connect
Corneal Cross Linking
ND.YAG Laser
Fundus Camera
Slit Lamp
Green Laser
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Middle Range Ophthalmic Surgical Microscope
Premium High End Oph:halmic Surgical Microsco!)e
Basic Ophthalmic SurgicalMicroscope
High End Ophthalmic Surgical Microscope
Hotline / Order Now:
+880 1711-538053
Mi Rust Remover
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